Wednesday, May 02, 2001

so okay. i am now using blogger to post thoughts and going to join this semi-fad within the senior class of ficb. the reason? because i do not want to be lazy anymore, and because peter choi told me to. so not like any of you really care about my thoughts, but my motivation is for self-interest and to hopefully decipher the impossible code that is me.
as i tell many people, my life is quite complicated, yet never share why. to be honest, my life deals with persecution, murder, unfaithfulness, friendship problems, financial problems, and basically everything in between.

this is not an exaggeration in any way.

so hopefully, i may someday come to terms with myself and share with the world what my life has been like the past 4 hears. but that is someday.

thanx for reading... all 3 of you.

remember, this is mostly for own personal reasons, but if you feel like coming along for the ride, there is always room. always shotgun.

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