a new design. i have no idea why. a re-genesis? i think not.
why groceries? i have no idea, so don't start getting posthumuous/shakespearean on me...
and no, i'm not gay, despite the fruitiness and wieners and kisses.
maybe i should interpret my own work:
possibly this page has everything anyone could need. just like the grocery store. you have your fruits, your meats, your desserts... you can live just by going to safeway or acme or ralph's. so this webpage has everything i need as well. a journal to log my thoughts and to clarify my life, a photo album to visually remind me of my life and friends (which would explain why it's blank right now), a place to hear other people's thoughts, and to see other people's lives.
or possibly not.
well, thanx to all 2 of you who have visited my page anyways (peter choi and jason yang).
i gotta study.