it's been quite a while since i last wrote in this. a week has already flown by. i am now home in new jersey, and have been doing nothing but sitting here. none of my friends have come back home because they are all still in school or going on vacation since they graduated. me? i'm just at home. for two weeks, not really going on any vacation.
i believe that decisions are quite an interesting phenomenon. it requires us to consciously decide what our next step in life is going to be while at the same time, have absolutely no control over it. when we are coerced into choosing the door that is our future, it's a mystery that leads us towards the door. we choose a door where it has no windows. we have no idea what lies beyond it. we can only formulate a hypothesis - judge a book by its cover. for how do you know the future? God says in Ecclesiastes 8 "Since no man knows the future, who can tell him what is to come?"
so in making decisions, it's not about directing your own life - despite its deceitful countenance. it's not about trying to do what other people say or about what you think is best for you. you simply have no control, no handle or grasp over the life that you supposedly call your own.
it's about what God wants you to do, and how you should obey him. sure, we have free will and liberty, but God is ultimately in control. "The LORD reigns, he is robed in majesty; the LORD is robed in majesty and is armed with strength. The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved." - Psalm 93
so when you do make a decision, pray that it is God's WIll and not your own sinful desires that lead you. if it is not what God wants you to do, it is guaranteed that He will correct you. for He has the power and authority over you and the world.
the reason why i write this is because my dad has been
pressuring me to pursue a career into something i do not want to get into. and it requires that i know some computer programming languages - and i have a strong dislike for computer programming. so basically, he has put me in a position where i must choose to either pursue a master's in bioinformatics, or stay at the company i intend to work for (my dad actually told me to stay with that company, which he now denies ever saying). so what do i do? what is God's will? i think His will for me is to pray about things that i haven't been lately. pray andy...
p.s. bioinformatics is a field which combines Computer Science and Biology...